Home Rehabilitation
At Operation Lifeline Inc., we strive to help veterans maintain safe, comfortable, and accessible homes. Our Veteran Housing Rehabilitation Program provides essential repairs and modifications for veterans' homes, leveraging support from local, state, and federal programs, as well as private and institutional donations. While we work hard to assist every qualified applicant, we cannot guarantee assistance for every application, but we will explore all available options to help.
Who Can Apply?
To qualify for assistance, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Income Eligibility: Applicants must be part of a low or moderate-income household, with an annual gross income below 80% of the area's median income, as determined by HUD guidelines.
Veteran Status: Proof of veteran status is required. Acceptable forms of verification include a DD-214 Form, a Veterans Medical Card, or third-party verification from the Veterans Affairs (VA) office.
Homeownership & Residency: The applicant must occupy the property as their primary residence and provide proof of ownership, such as a fee simple title or another form of ownership approved under the program.
Property Eligibility
In addition to applicant qualifications, the property must also meet the following standards:
The property must be a single-family residence and serve as the applicant’s primary homestead.
The applicant must hold ownership of the property by fee simple title, a long-term leasehold of at least 99 years, or a life estate.
There should be no restrictions, judgments, or encumbrances that affect the marketable title or ownership rights.
While we cannot guarantee that we can assist every applicant, we are committed to working with each veteran to explore what is possible and to help them navigate the various funding opportunities available through our programs. Our goal is to ensure veterans have access to resources that allow them to live in homes that are safe, accessible, and meet their needs.
To learn more or start the application process, please email us at info@oplifeline.org or call (904) 863-3099.

We believe everyone deserves to live in a healthy home. At Operation Lifeline Inc., we feel particularly indebted to those who served in the Armed Forces and have committed to helping as many struggling veterans as possible. Our program provides home rehabilitation services at no charge to eligible veterans to address accessibility and HUD's Eight Healthy Homes Principles.